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Devil On The Run
By Kazz Falcon

Devil On The Run
Unbelievable things happened beginning with the sun
Light was powerful
Our sights must focus on Jesus
Trust our lives through him
He busted his ass for us
Satan couldn’t kept him down
Jesus wept for our sins and died on the cross
Satan lied in the beginning, the beginning of all sins
Truth prevailed against Satan
God brought light to our world
We sought Jesus to save us
Through Jesus Christ, God gave us eternal life
Satan’s knife cuts us from Jesus, plans our downfall
Act on Satan’s lies, our lives will be troubled
We can count on Jesus
Our lives, he makes perfect
Take up God’s offer
The devil’s on the run

I Cried Unto The Lord
By Kazz Falcon

I Cried Unto My Lord
Please comfort me in my time of need
I was fed up with the weed
Shelter me with your loving arms
I need your loving charms
Please help me walk this next mile
Will you help me for a short while?
Take your place in my heart, body and soul
I was desperate to feel your love and be moved by your goal
Take me to that celestial place
Of your heavenly grace
Guide me with your light
I’ll follow you there even with fright
Help me believed your mightiness
Guide me to my life’s happiness
Destroy my weed obsession
My life’s little addiction
I cried unto my lord

Oh God, Please Help Me
By Kazz Falcon

Oh God, please help me with your alliance
I desperately need your guidance
My fate begins to falter
Oh heavenly father
I’ll trust your light if you brighten this star
You can’t be that far
I’ll give my life a chance
Whatever the outcome I was yours for the glance
From earth to heaven and life everlasting
Cease my troubles and double my blessing
Smack me like never before
I’ll love you all that much more
Strike down my worries and fears
With an ocean of bittersweet tears
I was sorry for my mistake
I promised I wouldn’t be a fake
Let tomorrow come
I stayed in your heavenly home
You was the only life for me
Stared into my heart
Show me what your love can be
Oh God, please help me

Another Day
By Kazz Falcon

Another Day was living for God
He gave us this day
We didn’t ask for it
There was work to be done for him
We must live by his wisdom
Ignoring him was our downfall
We stumbled by Satan
It caused problems for all
God picked us up in his footprints
Whether we live for him or not
The hurt and anger goes away
Triumph with God in all his glory
We can go on with our lives
We lived for God on another day

Jesus Loves Me
By Kazz Falcon

Jesus Loves Me
Yes, he does
It goes something like this
Satan was the number one foe
I must not trust him, a born troublemaker
Jesus Christ came from heaven
He died on the cross for my sins
Satan was the father of all lies,
Not just a small amount
The whole world around him belongs to Satan
God was letting him used earth for a while
Till Jesus comes back to me again
I’ll see him in all his glory in person
Heaven was the home I shall be
 was living with my father
He was giving me an eternal life
That’s how much Jesus loves me

The Seed
By Kazz Falcon

The Seed
Growing with God was my deed
From Satan’s clutches, I was  freed
Jesus Christ was my speed
Through God, the light feeds
I found him so refreshing
I won’t be suck in by the flesh
Jesus was my good luck charm
With Satan, he showed me harm
Where was my alarm?
I was in Jesus Christ’s arms
He blessed me in God’s powers
His love was a tower
I was one of God’s flowers
I can’t drowned in the showers
His love surrounded me
My heart sounded for him daily
I was doing God’s deed
I gave people the seed

Stay Clear Away
By Kazz Falcon

Stay Clear Away
Devil, you’re not a dear
I lived for God
For your dirty schemes, I can’t fall
Jesus Christ was my strong wall
An angel looks after me
I threw the book at Satan
I grew into a bright Christian
I can’t the sight of Satan
Satan was pure evil
It’s the thing I was so sure
My strength of God was my cure
Satan was still causing trouble
Since the beginning of time
Sinning to be lost with you
It will cost my second life
Who really want that?
You’re nothing but a rat
I used a baseball bat
This park of life was reserve for God
I deserved to be with my father
Devil, you’re not a dear
Stay clear away

I Walked In The Light
By Kazz Falcon

I Walked In The Light
I talked about the bright shinning light
I lived for the right person
I gave my heart to Jesus Christ
I strived in his world of peace and love
Together hand in hand, Jesus and me
He touched me like nobody can
Filled me with joy and happiness
I couldn’t be sad forever in darkness
I turned my life around
No evil knife would stab me
I heard sweet sounds of music
I was safe with him
God and heaven was mine
They both tasted like good wine
I listened to my heart
I walked in the light

The Wrong Exit
By Kazz Falcon

The Wrong Exit
I entered into the darkness
I can’t turn back
It’s burning away behind me
I must find a way out
The only solution was straight ahead
I looked left and right
The fire was there
Images of souls are everywhere
The flames burned fast
I turned around
The fire came after me ferociously
I heard them screamed
My dear!
I saw it so clearly
Hell reached me
I felt the heat
I was dead meat
The wrong exit

By Kazz Falcon

I’m a believer in Jesus Christ
I’m delivered from my sins
I’m beginning a new life
I’m winning a new life
I’m walking in faith
I’m talking in tongues
I’m balking at Satan
I’m living for God’s ways
I’m giving up a sinful life
I’m filled with The Holy Ghost
The will of God,
“Love your brothers and sisters
As I would love Jesus Christ.”
God moves me
I’m drove over the devil
I’m staying with God
From earth to heaven
I’m saying my prayers
I’m reading The Holy bible
The anointing one lifts me up
My gift was Jesus Christ
I welcomed the Lord in my life
My home was now his
I cared for everybody
I shared God with them
The light was Jesus Christ
I fought for God
Bright your day with this Christian

The Holy Bible
By Kazz Falcon

The Holy Bible
It was nothing but the truth
Something I really need
I grew and prospered in Jesus’ name
I lived by God’s word and gave thanks
I praised my father
I raised myself as a true Christian
A Christian that God can be proud of
I was moved by God’s love
He touched me by reading the scriptures
I learned about God
I know the truth
I lived the truth
The truth was Jesus Christ
He lived in me and I in him
The Holy Bible contains two sections
The Old Testament and The New Testament
A good place to start is
John, Chapter 1, Verse 1, New Testament
The word became flesh and delivered the news
I know God in flesh as Jesus Christ
They’re the one and the same
Nothing can tear them apart
Read The Holy Bible

By Kazz Falcon
Dedicated to and inspired by Kevin Nichols

Angels doesn’t belong in the darkness
All their glory and beauty shines in the light
Satan was one of God’s angels
He wanted to be like God - more powerful than him
God threw him and his angels out of heaven
There can only be one God, the father of all things
Darkness covered the whole world
We can only see it - born into darkness
The angels shine in our lives
Whenever we need help the most
We must watch out for Satan’s angels
They played dirty and messed up people’s lives
Darkness lurks everywhere
God sent his angels to lighten up our lives
The angels take good care of us
His angels protect us from darkness
When we go to heaven, we’re God’s angels

I Can’t Live Here Anymore
By Kazz Falcon

I can’t live here anymore
Somewhere else was better
A place above the earth with God
My new home was heaven
Some people was going to hell
The eternal death was living hell
Satan lives there forever,
The only place for him
I traced my heart to Jesus Christ
A home was already made
I wouldn’t trade that home,
I had an eternal life with my father
Without Jesus, my home was hell
I came to Jesus with open arms
He saved me from my sins
Heaven was mine forever
I can’t live here anymore

The Dark Knight
By Kazz Falcon

The Dark Knight
He strikes at any time
My life was ruined
He stabbed a knife in my back
The light can heal the pain
I want him pay for the hurt
The hurt I don’t need
Somebody was stronger than him
His name was Jesus Christ
He was the savior of his people
I fell for Satan’s ways
My life was in turmoil
Satan was the same old knife
I blamed him for life’s troubles
Jesus came to this world
Jesus made it even for us
I don’t take it for granted
Jesus wasn’t a fake
I felt him in his heart
I defeated the dark knight

In The Beginning
By Kazz Falcon

In The Beginning
Satan was sinning
God cast him out of the heavens
Satan blasted him for being too powerful
Why couldn’t he be an angel of God?
Satan wouldn’t want to
He claimed he was more powerful than God
He aimed for Adam and Eve
What sweet revenge!
They fell for Satan’s trick,
“Eat the fruit from the tree of life.”
They felt naked and hid
God raked them out of the Garden of Eden,
“Seek the tree of life elsewhere, people!”
Thousands of years later, Jesus Christ came
People rejoice and/or skeptical
Jesus Christ was the new tree of life
The end of Jesus, he died on the cross
He rose from the dead three days later
He lives in God and God in him
People were relieved, they in us
Why be mislead by Satan?
Satan was running scared and wild
There’s nothing he can do
Jesus Christ was there in the beginning

I’m In Love
By Kazz Falcon

I’m in love with someone
This world doesn’t know
He lived in another far away place
Beyond the blue skies with his father
Heaven can only reach him
I felt him in my heart, knocking
He shouldn’t wait any longer
I answered by letting him in my life
He works miracles far beyond my imagination
His father was magic touch
They reached out to millions of people
Only his kids see him in the light
The world was blinded by it’s way
The days looked like nights, darkness all around
He was the saving grace for all
I reached out with my heart
He touched me in this world
The enemy isn’t far behind
He caused doubts to disbelieved God’s love
They will put a stop to that
I’ll be free to love them
He touched me with his love
He shared his father with me
I’m in love

Jesus Christ
By Kazz Falcon

Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins
He gave me a chance for a second life
Freedom to live again in heaven
An amazing grace to live
My heart was moved by this sacrifice
God put his only begotten son on the cross
The cup of life to drink
There was no other around it
The food was there to be eaten by me
It sounded so good to God
Satan couldn’t stop God’s plan
I shouldn’t fall for Satan’s evil ways
I stayed away from him, the father of all lies
I choosed to accept Jesus Christ in my heart
Or be one of Satan’s children
I won’t see heaven as long as I’m with Satan
Jesus Christ saved me
God cares for me deeply
God loves me as one of his children
He made it possible for me through his son
Jesus Christ was his wonderful gift
God will lift me up to heaven
After I accepted Jesus Christ as our savior
I woke up before its too late
Jesus Christ

In Heaven, The Pain Ends
By Kazz Falcon

Hurtful eyes, tears came down my face
I couldn’t stop from crying
I fell hard on concrete floor
My head bled ferociously
The pain was killing me
I was willing to die
The sight was too far away from help
The night had fallen all over
A light came in the woods
It’s too bright to see who is it
I called out for him,
“Please help to stop the pain.”
He took me high above
A place I’ve never been to
Right in front of my face, God sat in the throne
Next to him was Lord Jesus Christ
My eyes gazed back to the throne
God’s eyes looked at me
I didn’t move an inch
He stared directly into my heart
What an awful book!
My goose was cook
He questioned me, “What right do you have to be here?”
There I stood in front of him
A nervous mood, I was in
“The food you gave me on earth was tasteful for my soul.
It saved me from my sins.”
“And what else?”
“I called upon the Lord to stop the pain.
No one was around to help me.
It sounded like a good ideal according to the Holy Bible.”
God opened the book of life
I patience waited that I answered him correctly
“Very well.  You’re welcome into Heaven.”
My soul flared up and I became an angel
The cup of life was mine forevermore
I wined and dined with the other angels
I was so moved to be in the family
My faith proved I was a strong Christian on earth
Anything was possible through God
Something we need to believe
In heaven, the pain ends

Planting The Seed
By Kazz Falcon

Planting The Seed
I don’t know my father
I was out of reach
Someone planted the seed to grow inside of me
It touched me like no other seed
I received a personal relationship with God
God doesn’t deceived his children
He moved me to a better world
A world of peace and happiness are
There’s no trouble going to attack me
Jesus Christ casts them away
I would never deal with them
Unless I become involved
I can’t let it control me
Happiness was in my life
God was the only one to perfect my world
The perfect it was
I conquered anything that Satan throw at me
The seed within me grow into the Lord
God made this place to plant the seed
It’s my life purpose to get people involved
They need to know God was the father
He’s more powerful than Satan
John 3.16, “For God so loved the world
That he gave his one and only son,
That whosoever believes in him
Shall not perish but have eternal life.”
I planted the seed and let them taste it
God will do the rest

This World
By Kazz Falcon

This world’s no longer God’s
Satan deceived Adam and Eve
He used the tree of knowledge of good and evil
They ate the fruit and realized they were naked
Satan gained the control of this world
It prompted us to be born sinners under him
God’s plans went haywire; he has a backup plan
John1: 1-2. “In the beginning was the world,
And the word was with God,
And the word was God.
He was with God in the beginning.”
In this world we don’t belong,
We belonged to God through his son, Jesus Christ, our savior
We were born into the darkness
Jesus was the light of this world
He delivery us from our sins to live with our father in heaven
Heaven was our second life, our eternal gift from God
Born again unto the Lord Jesus Christ
We inherited the kingdom of God
This world can’t compare to heaven or it’s riches
No more pain or suffering, just tearless times
The second coming of Jesus Christ, God regains this world
Satan and his angels perishes in the lake of fire
Which is the second death
God makes everything new again
We’re born again to eternal life
We became his children and he became our father in heaven
In darkness, no one wants to live in this world

Copyright © 2006 Steve Carey. All rights reserved.
Any reproduction, duplication, or distribution in any form is expressly prohibited.